Advice on handling setbacks

Amore Carstens, Senior Associate in the Corporate & Commercial practice and Oil & Gas sector was featured in the DealMakers Women 2024 issue, where she shared her Advice on handling setbacks.

29 Aug 2024 1 min read DealMakers Women 2024 issue Article

When things go wrong, Amore emphasises the importance of stepping back and assessing the situation objectively. She encourages addressing issues with people and colleagues transparently and respectfully and, rather than dwelling on the problem, focusing on finding a solution or a new approach.

Amore also highlights the need to separate your self-worth from the situation and avoid internalising setbacks. She believes that by learning from challenging situations and moving forward with determination and positivity, you'll emerge more resilient in the long run. Amore encourages one to reflect on the experience and consider how you can grow from it.

Click here to read her insightful profile.

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