Celebrating the unwavering efforts of the Office of the Tax Ombud amidst the shifting economic landscape and its impact on taxpayers
Puleng highlighted that South African taxpayers are significantly influenced by the country's economic performance. A thriving economy typically results in higher employment, increased incomes, and greater tax revenues, while economic downturns often lead to job losses, reduced incomes, and lower tax collections.
Puleng noted that South Africa's economy has faced persistent challenges in recent years, including unpredictable growth, unreliable energy supply, failing infrastructure, market uncertainty, high unemployment rates, and entrenched inequality. Despite these obstacles, Puleng acknowledged the National Treasury’s efforts to introduce tax policies and incentives aimed at easing taxpayer burdens and stimulating economic growth.
Puleng explained that the government's fiscal policies, including tax reforms, play a critical role in shaping the economic environment for taxpayers. Well-implemented tax reforms can broaden the tax base, improve compliance, and enhance the overall efficiency of tax administration.
As the OTO marks its 11th anniversary, Puleng reflected on its achievements, emphasising its pivotal role in addressing taxpayer grievances, protecting taxpayer rights, and fostering accountability within SARS.
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