CDH represented the Trans-Caledon Tunnel Authority

CDH represented the Trans-Caledon Tunnel Authority (TCTA) in its financing of the sub-phase 2A of the Mokolo and Crocodile River (West) Water Augmentation Project.

23 May 2024 1 min read Featured work

Our team's role involved advising the TCTA on its nine debt funding facilities totaling R22,250,000,000 (twenty two billion and two hundred and fifty million Rand) through a combination of term loan and revolving credit facilities provided by Absa Bank Limited, Development Bank of Southern Africa Limited, Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa Limited, Investec Bank Limited, Nedbank Limited, FirstRand Bank Limited acting through its Rand Merchant Bank division and The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited.

We reviewed and negotiated the nine debt funding facilities and related project documents, assisted with the security package, public law considerations and facilitated the conditions precedent process. This demonstrates our ability to engage with large complex transactions that aim to promote infrastructure development.

The transaction team was led by Practice Head and Director, Mashudu Mphafudi, who was assisted by Director, Imraan Abdullah, and Associate, Michael Bailey.