Mashudu Mphafudi
Mashudu Mphafudi is Director and Head of our Banking, Finance & Projects practice. He provides business legal services in most areas of finance (debt and equity), projects finance, corporate finance, private equity transactions, and public finance law. He has extensive experience with various financial institutions, which he represents in a variety of transactions in banking and finance related mandates.

About Mashudu
About Mashudu
Mashudu joined Hofmeyr (now Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr) as a Candidate Attorney in 2001. He was appointed as an Associate in 2003 and promoted to Senior Associate in 2006. Mashudu became a Director 2007 and currently an active member of the Executive Committee of Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr.
- Registered with the Legal Practice Council
- BJuris, University of Johannesburg
- LLB, University of Johannesburg
- LLM, University of Johannesburg
- HDip (Labour Law), University of Johannesburg
- HDip (Company Law), University of the Witwatersrand,
- Certificate (Competition Law), University of the Witwatersrand,
- Certificate in Banking and Finance, University of the Witwatersrand,
- Year of admission as an attorney: 2003
- English
About Mashudu
Mashudu joined Hofmeyr (now Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr) as a Candidate Attorney in 2001. He was appointed as an Associate in 2003 and promoted to Senior Associate in 2006. Mashudu became a Director 2007 and currently an active member of the Executive Committee of Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr.
- Registered with the Legal Practice Council
- BJuris, University of Johannesburg
- LLB, University of Johannesburg
- LLM, University of Johannesburg
- HDip (Labour Law), University of Johannesburg
- HDip (Company Law), University of the Witwatersrand,
- Certificate (Competition Law), University of the Witwatersrand,
- Certificate in Banking and Finance, University of the Witwatersrand,
- Year of admission as an attorney: 2003
- English
Rand Merchant Bank
Advised Rand Merchant Bank in relation to the debt facility extended to a borrower incorporated in the Netherlands with a deal value of EUR5 321, 000.
Standard Chartered Bank
Advised Standard Chartered Bank on its amended and restated revolving credit facility to a borrower incorporated in Botswana , with a deal value of R1.7 billion.
Public Investment Corporation
Advised the Public Investment Corporation in relation to the equity investment in Africa Finance Corporation to finance infrastructure and industrial projects across the African continent, with a deal value of R1.7 billion.
Becker Mining Systems
Advised Becker Mining Systems and its three South Africa-based subsidiaries in relation to further amendments to its €70 million syndicated loan agreement and relevant security as well as advised on the relevant authorisations and exchange control approvals, with a deal value of R1.2 billion.
China Development Bank
Advised China Development Bank in relation to the restructure of term loan facilities in the aggregate amount of US$4.389 billion granted to Eskom Holdings Limited, the sovereign guarantee as well as the relevant regulatory consents required to finance two power stations and the unbundling of Eskom into three divisions.
Industrial Development Corporation
Advised the Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa Limited in relation to debt facilities in the total aggregate amount of ZAR1.395 billion to fund three renewable energy projects, mainly Solar PV and Wind Technologies.
Old Mutual Limited
Advised Old Mutual Limited on debt facilities extended to a borrower to purchase additional residential properties for a deal value of R500 million.
Grindrod Bank Limited
Advised Grindrod Bank Limited in relation to a debt facility extended to FEC Prop Proprietary Limited in relation to an acquisition finance transaction.
Adams Solar PV Project
Advised Adams Solar PV Project in relation to the debt facility raised from Nedbank Limited for a Solar PV wheeling Project.
South African based lenders
Advised South African based lenders and, in relation to the drafting, negotiate and settle the mine funding package which comprises of debt component and equity component totaling a combined ZAR 4.2 billion in respect of the mining project to be undertaken in the Waterberg Region, Limpopo.
Major healthcare company
Advised a major healthcare company in relation to the debt restructuring and term loan facility provided by The Standard Bank of South Africa and Futuregrowth Asset Management Proprietary Limited in the aggregate amount of approximately R677 million.
Public Investment Corporation SOC Limited
Advised the Public Investment Corporation SOC Limited in relation to the capital restructure of Afrisam Proprietary Limited, which comprised of debt and equity restructure to the value of R8 billion rands.
Development Bank of Southern Africa Limited
Acted for Development Bank of Southern Africa Limited in respect of its restructured loan facility in relation to the David Livingstone Safari Lodge and Spa (Zambia).
South African Bank of Athens
Advised on transaction wherein the South African Bank of Athens acquired 99.81% of the issued share capital in the South African Bank of Athens by Grocapital Proprietary Limited ("Grocapital"), a subsidiary of Afgri Proprietary Limited. The acquisition comprised a combination of debt provided by Nedbank Limited and equity made available by the shareholders of Grocapital including the Public Investment Corporation and Fairfax (a Canadian private equity fund). The total transaction value was in the region of R1 billion.
Development Bank of Southern Africa
Advised the Development Bank of Southern Africa in respect of a USD300 million loan from the New Development Bank ("Bricks Bank") to the DBSA for purposes of enabling the DBSA to increase the electricity generation from renewable energy sources and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in South Africa as articulated in the National Development Plan 2030.

Rooftop solar: Energy bounce back loan guarantee scheme
Professor Anton Eberhard estimates that as of June 2023, households and businesses have installed 4,412 MWs of rooftop solar. Not only is this double the capacity of Eskom under its...

The application of the in duplum rule to post-judgment interest: The SCA clarifies the legal position
The in duplum rule will not come to your rescue if you fail to make post-judgment interest after arrear interest ceases to accrue when the unpaid arrear interest equals the principal...

Securing funding for the installation of rooftop solar for commercial enterprises
It is estimated that stage 6 loadshedding is costing the economy as much as R900 million per day. Many businesses are looking to self-generate power through the installation of rooftop...

The Revised Equator Principles – encouraging a movement to environmental and socially sustainable financing of projects across the globe
Although the impacts of climate change have not been devoid of attention or debate, climate change was yet to be presented as one of the top threats to the global economy. This is...

The impact of the National Credit Act on contracts of Suretyship
A notable feature of credit transactions is the inherent commercial risk to credit providers. Our law, however, makes provision for the alleviation of such risks through, among others,...
Market recognition
- The Legal 500 EMEA 2018, 2021, 2023-2024 recommended Mashudu in Banking and Finance.
- IFLR1000 2024 regarded Mashudu as a leading lawyer in Banking, Project Finance, and Capital markets: Debt.
- IFLR1000 2018 recommended Mashudu as a "rising star" for Banking, Project finance and Capital markets: debt. In 2019, 2020 and 2022, he was listed as a highly regarded lawyer for Banking, Project finance and Capital markets: debt

Market recognition
- The Legal 500 EMEA 2018, 2021, 2023-2024 recommended Mashudu in Banking and Finance.
- IFLR1000 2024 regarded Mashudu as a leading lawyer in Banking, Project Finance, and Capital markets: Debt.
- IFLR1000 2018 recommended Mashudu as a "rising star" for Banking, Project finance and Capital markets: debt. In 2019, 2020 and 2022, he was listed as a highly regarded lawyer for Banking, Project finance and Capital markets: debt

Banking, Finance & Projects
CDH brings commercially minded solutions to our clients on all matters relating to finance and banking.

Corporate Debt, Turnaround & Restructuring
We have an experience team that can balance our clients' needs with the pragmatic realities they face.

Financial Services
CDH’s lawyers works with clients in financial services to help them achieve their commercial aims.

Government and State-Owned Entities
We provide a comprehensive service that can be applied to all aspects of public law.

Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals
Our multidisciplinary team develops creative strategies and integrated solutions for this important healthcare sector.

Industrials, Manufacturing & Trade
We provide a multidisciplinary approach to legal and commercial matters across Africa.

Pensions & Employee Benefits
Our Pensions & Employee Benefits team works with skilled lawyers from across the firm to provide expert advice and solutions.

Projects & Energy
We have an excellent understanding of the sector and use this to help clients maximise value and mitigate their risk.