The department of employment and labour workplace inspection process
It is for this purpose that the Department of Employment and Labour has set up an
Inspection and Enforcement Services Programme (IES) which aims to protect vulnerable workers
through carrying out workplace inspections at businesses across various sectors. The IES have a duty
to ensure that incidents relating to labour relations and occupational health and safety, as reported
by members of the public, are registered and that these are communicated to the relevant structures
within the Compliance, Monitoring and Enforcement Services sub programme for investigation.
Inspectors are also tasked with ensuring compliance with other legislation which may impact on the
employment relationship including those that deal with the legal status of foreign employees and
their eligibility to work in the country. Therefore, it is important for employers to ensure that foreign
employees possess the requisite permission to work. Where an employer fails to do so, they may be
guilty of a criminal offence and be liable for the payment of a fine or imprisonment.
Click here to access a diagram which provides an overview of the inspection process and the powers
conferred to the Inspectors in terms of the BCEA.
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