Samantha Kelly discussed balancing her career and her role as a mom

Samantha Kelly, Counsel in the Real Estate Law practice was featured in the DealMakers Women 2024 Issue where she discussed balancing her career and her role as a mom. 

25 Sep 2024 1 min read DealMakers Women 2024 issue Article

Samantha acknowledges that many women, including herself, encounter the "maternal wall"—a significant challenge that often arises in the middle of their careers. "The maternal wall is real, and having children can impact a woman’s continued career as a practicing attorney. I have two beautiful children, and I’m still practicing. So, what’s the secret to balancing both roles?"

She admits there’s no magic formula, but notes that more "tools" are becoming available to help working moms find a balance between their careers and motherhood. The COVID-19 pandemic, despite its many challenges, did bring about one positive shift: a change in workforce arrangements that offer more flexibility.

While there is still a long way to go toward true equality for working mothers, Samantha believes we can appreciate the progress made in creating ways to manage the "work/mom/life balance."

Click here to read more about Samantha's journey.

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