The Clean Hydrogen Economy: Industrializing Africa at Net-Zero

Jackwell Feris, Director & Head: Industrials, Manufacturing & Trade Sector authored an insightful publication on the clean hydrogen in Africa as part of the Symposium: Electricity / Energy Markets in Africa and their Intersections with International Economic Law of

10 Feb 2022 1 min read Article

At a glance

  • Africa currently has the lowest CO2 emissions globally, but increased trade and industrialization may lead to higher emissions due to the expanded use of fossil fuels.
  • The global commitment to decarbonization and the rising importance of clean energy technologies, particularly green hydrogen, emphasize the need for Africa to participate in the hydrogen economy from the beginning.
  • Developing a hydrogen economy, particularly in industries like automotive and steel manufacturing, presents significant economic opportunities for Africa's industrialization while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Regional policies and coordination are crucial to harnessing the potential of hydrogen on a continental level.

The article unpacks some important consideration for African governments and the private sector to ensure Africa is not left behind in the economic opportunities the development of the clean hydrogen holds for the worlds earnest efforts to achieve a just energy transition.

Click here to read the article

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