Evolving cannabis and hemp cultivation laws that present a significant opportunity for South Africa’s Agri sector

Claudia Grobler, Associate Designate in the Dispute Resolution practice joined Stephen Grootes on Newzroom Afrika to discuss the Evolving cannabis and hemp cultivation laws that present a significant opportunity for South Africa’s Agri sector.

13 Jun 2024 05:00 Minutes TV interview


Claudia explains that the Cannabis for Private Purposes Bill allows for small-scale, recreational cultivation of cannabis at home. Regulations will specify how much can be grown and possessed, but commercial sales are not permitted. You can give cannabis away for free, but only in limited amounts defined by future regulations.

Regarding hemp, Claudia notes it is legal for commercial purposes, allowing farmers to grow, manufacture, sell, and export hemp products. This opens up opportunities in various sectors, including construction and clothing, with hemp seeds being rich in protein and fibre.

Claudia emphasises the distinction between cannabis and hemp: hemp contains less than 0.2% THC, while cannabis has more. South Africa is already benefiting from hemp cultivation, producing medicines, and exporting hemp products, leveraging its legal status compared to other countries.


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