Farmers Beware Legal liability and export risks in the wake of bud rot

Lucinde Rhoodie, Director in the Dispute Resolution practice and Agriculture, Aquaculture & Fishing sector, recently joined Jimmy Moyaha on SAfm and Matthew Veeran on Lotus FM to discuss 'Farmers beware: Legal liability and export risks in the wake of bud rot.'

24 Feb 2025 04:24 Minutes Radio interview
Farmers Beware Legal liability and export risks in the wake of bud rot

Farmers Beware Legal liability and export risks in the wake of bud rot


Farmers Beware Legal liability and export risks in the wake of bud rot


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Lucinde explains that bud rot, also known as gray mold, is a fungal disease that primarily affects cannabis plants, especially during the flowering stage. Once it develops, it obstructs the proper transportation of water and nutrients through the leaves and flowers. The recent outbreak in papayas will significantly impact their quality and poses a high risk of spreading if infected papayas are transported.

Lucinde highlights that Botswana and Namibia have temporarily suspended papaya imports, which has major economic implications. If the government does not address concerns and provide further guidance, South African farmers could face an oversupply of produce, driving prices down.

Lucinde advises farmers to review their insurance policies to determine if they provide coverage for such situations. She also reminds them that the export and import of agricultural products are highly regulated under laws such as the Plant Improvement Act and the Agricultural Pests Act. Non-compliance could expose farmers to civil claims from buyers and consumers, as well as regulatory penalties.

Lastly, Lucinde stresses the importance of understanding and complying with permit conditions to mitigate legal risks.

Click here to listen to the Lotus FM interview

Click here to listen to the SAFM interview

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