Insights on dealmaking and offered advice to young women working on their first deal

 Kuda Chimedza, Senior Associate in the Banking, Finance & Projects practice was featured in DealMakers Women 2024, where she shared insights on dealmaking and offered advice to young women working on their first deal.

13 Sep 2024 1 min read DealMakers Women 2024 issue Article

Kuda highlights her passion for working on transactions in the social infrastructure space, saying they offer a sense of personal fulfilment: “There’s a tangible project or building you can point to, knowing you've contributed to something that benefits society.”

She also shares her recent interest in the energy sector, noting, “Lately, I’ve been enjoying transactions in the energy sector, as I feel that I am, in a small way, contributing to improving the country’s electricity generation capacity.”

For young women working on their first deal, Kuda advises seizing every learning opportunity. Beyond technical competence, she emphasises the importance of understanding the rationale behind the transaction and the overall intentions of the parties involved.

Click here to read more about her journey in dealmaking.

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