Queer women, vulnerability, and exclusion in the SA workplace
Nadeem and Asma highlight that queer women of colour often bear the brunt of homophobia in the workplace. While the legal framework clearly defines what constitutes unfair discrimination, there is often a lack of awareness about how multiple forms of marginalisation intersect, creating particularly challenging circumstances for many, including—and sometimes especially—women.
Nadeem points out that women of colour, particularly those from impoverished backgrounds, tend to suffer more. Transgender women, in particular, face significant challenges in being understood and accepted, even in basic practices such as the use of preferred pronouns and name changes.
Asma emphasises that companies should create a sense of urgency in the workplace to combat homophobia, especially to protect queer women. Employers need to be more aware of these intersections and recognise the profound impact that their policies and workplace prejudices can have on the well-being and inclusion of LGBTQ+ individuals.
Click here to read the article.
Asma and Nadeem recently recorded a podcast on the same topic. Click here to listen to their conversation on CDH Conversations.
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