Simone Dickson discusses her career in technology
Simone shares that she was fortunate to land in the technology law sector by chance, which completely transformed her career and opened doors she never would have considered as a young attorney. "I’ve never looked back. What once felt like a daunting challenge made me realise that sometimes the career path, you're focused on can limit your view of opportunities, and may not be the right fit," she says.
Simone loves her work and is grateful for the challenges the technology sector presents. With evolving technologies and emerging risks, there’s no room to "rest on your laurels"—there’s always something new to learn. "As technology lawyers, we need to keep pace with rapid developments and often think on our feet to offer clients practical, risk-conscious solutions," she adds.
Reflecting on her journey, Simone says that if she could change one thing, it would be to not take things so seriously early on. "Appreciate the opportunities that come with being a junior professional—participating in meetings, learning from senior colleagues, trying your hand at drafting, and finding your place. Without exploring different areas, even those that don’t initially interest you, you won’t truly understand what legal practice can offer."
Click here to read about Simone's career.
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