Rachel Kelly was featured in the DealMakers Women 2024 Issue

Rachel Kelly, Director in the Corporate & Commercial was featured in the DealMakers Women 2024 Issue where she discussed her journey as a lawyer. 

23 Sep 2024 1 min read DealMakers Women 2024 issue Article

Rachel recalls wanting to be a lawyer from a young age, but she was discouraged when (mistakenly) told she would need to learn Latin. "Languages aren't my strong suit," she says. "So, I decided to pursue accounting instead, only to discover that I wasn’t particularly good at it. After completing my BCom, I decided to try an LLB, thinking I wouldn’t take it too seriously, and if I didn’t like it, I’d drop out and figure something else out. Luckily, I loved law right from the start, especially Corporate & Commercial and M&A work."

Rachel emphasises the importance of surrounding yourself with the right people as a woman-in-law—those who can teach you, support you, and have your back. "Law is a tough field and having like-minded people who can offer perspective when you need it is invaluable."

Rachel also notes that she’s been fortunate to have had many mentors throughout her career. "Some taught me the technical points of law, while others showed me practical approaches, how to manage people, and not to take everything too seriously. Mistakes happen, things go wrong—but it’s rarely a matter of life and death."

Click here to read more about Rachel's journey.

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