DLA Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr ranks first in survey of South Africa’s leading law firms
For the third year in a row, business law firm DLA Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr has been ranked first overall and rated South Africa’s most outstanding large law firm in the PMR.africa annual national survey of legal firms. The firm was highest rated on a mean score of 4.36 out of a possible 5.00.
According to the PMR.africa, a random sample of 300 respondents who use South Africa’s leading law firms rated DLA Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr first across a range of the 29 most important attributes clients require in a legal firm. PMR.africa is an independent research-based monthly periodical.
DLA Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr chief executive officer Brent Williams said, “Our firm has worked hard to stay relevant and innovative in a services environment that has seen increased consolidation, specialisation and globalisation.
“We are currently focussed on developing best practice in key practice areas and consolidating our association with DLA Piper Africa group firms on the rest of the continent, thereby providing seamless capability and competence across Africa.
“We continue to pursue our strategic objective of being the leading business law firm in our own jurisdiction. This requires that we remain active and visible and, continue to offer well priced capabilities and competencies, in the markets and service areas that remain traditional differentiators and indicators for leading large law firms, namely, mergers and acquisitions, capital markets, tax, finance and banking, commercial dispute resolution and arbitration, technology and employment law.
“We are thrilled that this vision has been acknowledged by our valued clients,” he added.
Over the last ten years, DLA Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr has achieved the No. 1 ranking seven times and has twice been ranked second.
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